Have you ever wondered
why employees leave companies so soon? Or why employees don’t seem to be satisfied
in their role? Or why companies seem to be wasting time and money in areas that
don’t truly grow the business?
The reality today is that organizations are investing more
in training and development than ever. The overall spending on employee
training in the United States is around $165 billion (Eades, 2014). Yet, even
with all this time and investment towards training, organization are still
searching to effectively transfer practical knowledge into performance results. The truth is that when employers realize
the power that training and learning development can have on their organization,
they will be willing to make the investment because it will pay dividends.
This investment in training can reap results in:
Less Employee Turnover: Keeping well trained employees pays off significantly because the cost of employee turnover can be high. The reality is that 40%
of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the
first year (Woolf, 2014).
More Employee Satisfaction: According to
statistics 76% of employees want to do their job well, but feel they lack the
tools to grow (Woolf, 2014).
The end result is that when training and learning development is weaved
together with a business strategy it results in more money and time for the
whole business (Noe, 2014) I would say
it’s worth the investment, wouldn’t you?
Eades, J. (2014). Three ways to measure training effectiveness.
Retrieved from: http://elearningindustry.com/3-ways-measure-training-effectiveness
Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and
development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Woolf, S. (2014). 5 Surprising Employee Development
Statistics you Don’t Know. Retreived from: http://blog.clearcompany.com/5-surprising-employee-development-statistics-you-dont-know